6 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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4 cups hominy corn, precooked
1/2 onions
2 cloves garlic
8 guajillo chiles, deveined for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
1/4 onions, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
1 teaspoon cumin, for the sauce
1/2 teaspoons ground cloves, for the sauce
500 grams shrimp, clean and peeled, reserving some with heads for decoration
2 tablespoons salt
1 lettuce, finely chopped to accompany
4 onions, finely chopped to accompany
20 radishes, sliced to accompany
2 tablespoons oregano, to accompany
8 limes, halved, to accompany
8 tostadas, to accompany
1/2 cups sour cream, to accompany
1.54 libras hominy corn, precooked
0.5 onions
2 cloves garlic
8 guajillo chiles, deveined for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
0.07 onzas cumin, for the sauce
0.04 onzas ground cloves, for the sauce
1.1 libras shrimp, clean and peeled, reserving some with heads for decoration
1.3 onzas salt
1 lettuce, finely chopped to accompany
4 onions, finely chopped to accompany
20 radishes, sliced to accompany
0.21 onzas oregano, to accompany
8 limes, halved, to accompany
8 tostadas, to accompany
4.22 onzas líquidas sour cream, to accompany
4 cups hominy corn, precooked
0.5 onions
2 cloves garlic
8 guajillo chiles, deveined for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
1 teaspoon cumin, for the sauce
0.5 teaspoons ground cloves, for the sauce
2.78 tazas shrimp, clean and peeled, reserving some with heads for decoration
2 tablespoons salt
1 lettuce, finely chopped to accompany
4 onions, finely chopped to accompany
20 radishes, sliced to accompany
2 tablespoons oregano, to accompany
8 limes, halved, to accompany
8 tostadas, to accompany
0.5 cups sour cream, to accompany
700 gramos hominy corn, precooked
0.5 onions
2 cloves garlic
8 guajillo chiles, deveined for the sauce
1 clove garlic, for the sauce
0.25 onions, for the sauce
3 allspice berries, for the sauce
2.05 gramos cumin, for the sauce
1.1 gramos ground cloves, for the sauce
500 grams shrimp, clean and peeled, reserving some with heads for decoration
36.9 gramos salt
1 lettuce, finely chopped to accompany
4 onions, finely chopped to accompany
20 radishes, sliced to accompany
6 gramos oregano, to accompany
8 limes, halved, to accompany
8 tostadas, to accompany
12.5 centilitros sour cream, to accompany