4 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1/2 cups lime juice
2 serrano chiles
1/4 cups fresh cilantro
1/2 cucumbers, seedless and cut into cubes
1 pinch salt
1/2 red onions
1/2 cucumbers, in cubes
1/4 cups serrano chile, in slices
1 pinch salt
1 package Dolores® yellowfin tuna cubes
1 radish, sliced, for decoration
1 avocado, cut into slices, for decoration
cucumber, in rolls for decoration
tostadas, to accompany
4.22 onzas líquidas lime juice
2 serrano chiles
0.15 onzas fresh cilantro
0.5 cucumbers, seedless and cut into cubes
1 pinch salt
0.5 red onions
0.5 cucumbers, in cubes
0.97 onzas serrano chile, in slices
1 pinch salt
1 package Dolores® yellowfin tuna cubes
1 radish, sliced, for decoration
1 avocado, cut into slices, for decoration
0 cucumber, in rolls for decoration
0 tostadas, to accompany
0.5 cups lime juice
2 serrano chiles
0.25 cups fresh cilantro
0.5 cucumbers, seedless and cut into cubes
1 pinch salt
0.5 red onions
0.5 cucumbers, in cubes
0.25 cups serrano chile, in slices
1 pinch salt
1 package Dolores® yellowfin tuna cubes
1 radish, sliced, for decoration
1 avocado, cut into slices, for decoration
0 cucumber, in rolls for decoration
0 tostadas, to accompany
12.5 centilitros lime juice
2 serrano chiles
4.38 gramos fresh cilantro
0.5 cucumbers, seedless and cut into cubes
1 pinch salt
0.5 red onions
0.5 cucumbers, in cubes
27.5 gramos serrano chile, in slices
1 pinch salt
1 package Dolores® yellowfin tuna cubes
1 radish, sliced, for decoration
1 avocado, cut into slices, for decoration
0 cucumber, in rolls for decoration
0 tostadas, to accompany