Vegetables contain chemicals that help keep cells healthy and heal wounds, protect eyes, skin, and bones, and are full of important vitamins and minerals for the growth and development of every child. And although many of them may not like them, the trick is that the puree does not change the flavor, color, or texture of the dish.
The puree keeps for three days in the refrigerator or you can freeze it in bags or plastic containers, in portions of 1/4 cup.
Note: Use double the ingredients if you want to make more puree that you can freeze and use later.
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Anell Ramos Cardenas
2016-02-04 04:58:15 +0000 +0000
Hola Anel, solo usarías uno de los purés. Te doy las dos opciones para que elijas la que más te apetezca. Suerte!
Anell Ramos Cardenas
2016-02-02 15:23:59 +0000 +0000
duda con el pure
No entendi cuando se uso el.otro pure uno se mezclo con la leche y el otro?