8 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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250 grams wheat flour, for the crust
125 grams unsalted butter, for the crust
1 egg, for the crust
60 grams sugar, for the crust
1 pinch salt, for the crust
1 cup honey, for the filling
1/3 cups corn syrup, for the filling
3 eggs, for the filling
1 pinch salt, for the filling
90 grams unsalted butter, melted, for the filling
1 teaspoon vanilla essence, for the filling
1 cup walnuts, for the filling
8.82 onzas wheat flour, for the crust
4.41 onzas unsalted butter, for the crust
1 egg, for the crust
2.12 onzas sugar, for the crust
1 pinch salt, for the crust
12.52 onzas honey, for the filling
2.82 onzas líquidas corn syrup, for the filling
3 eggs, for the filling
1 pinch salt, for the filling
3.17 onzas unsalted butter, melted, for the filling
0.17 onzas líquidas vanilla essence, for the filling
8.82 onzas walnuts, for the filling
1.89 tazas wheat flour, for the crust
8.68 cucharadas unsalted butter, for the crust
1 egg, for the crust
5 cucharadas sugar, for the crust
1 pinch salt, for the crust
1 cup honey, for the filling
0.33 cups corn syrup, for the filling
3 eggs, for the filling
1 pinch salt, for the filling
6.25 cucharadas unsalted butter, melted, for the filling
1 teaspoon vanilla essence, for the filling
1 cup walnuts, for the filling
250 grams wheat flour, for the crust
125 grams unsalted butter, for the crust
1 egg, for the crust
60 grams sugar, for the crust
1 pinch salt, for the crust
355 gramos honey, for the filling
8.33 centilitros corn syrup, for the filling
3 eggs, for the filling
1 pinch salt, for the filling
90 grams unsalted butter, melted, for the filling
5 mililitros vanilla essence, for the filling
250 gramos walnuts, for the filling