Matcha tea has incredible antioxidant and detoxifying power (thanks to its chlorophyll content), helps burn fat, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar, and provides lasting energy, increasing physical endurance. Now you can enjoy all its properties in a creamy, bicolor cheesecake, with matcha and white chocolate.
If the cheesecake starts to set, place it in a water bath and maintain a temperature of 32°C, whisk with a balloon whisk to break up any lumps.
Pour the cheesecake using pastry bags; this will help you have better control over the amount and achieve a better division of lines.
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Damian Mendoza
2023-01-16 19:53:59.890902 +0000 +0000
Yo use un polvo de matcha que venden en Costco y comiste blanco Turín... Y quedó muy rico!!!
VaNe LaRa
2018-07-23 23:41:11 +0000 +0000
No me gustó :/
Yuyu Palma
2018-07-09 11:51:30 +0000 +0000
A mi no me salio pero ami hermana si y estaba delicioso grasias