The most popular eggplant recipes are usually those where they are stuffed with some other ingredient. This time, we present a lasagna with this fruit, baked with delicious Manchego cheese. The secret to prevent the eggplant from becoming bitter is to de-bitter it, meaning soaking it in salted water until it changes color. You can't go wrong with this step-by-step.
Once the water from the eggplants changes color, it means they are fully de-bittered.
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Ma Del Mar Camara
2021-06-07 11:36:55 +0000 +0000
Erika vera
2020-06-17 08:43:52 +0000 +0000
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2020-03-17 18:06:35 +0000 +0000
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2019-11-12 04:35:03 +0000 +0000
Fabulosa, me encantó
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2019-07-20 11:37:31 +0000 +0000
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