If you love to eat balanced meals, try these wrapped nopales that are not only very practical but also an ideal option to include in your weekly menu. This nopal recipe is a balanced way to make your meals more appealing thanks to Virginia Zwan® Turkey Breast, which is not only gluten-free but also 97% fat-free. You will love it!
Serve the wrapped nopales with fried chiles and white rice.
If you want to remove the slime from the nopales, before cooking them, let them rest in a bowl with a teaspoon of sea salt for 15 minutes. Then, rinse under cold running water until the excess salt is removed.
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Bertha Gonzalez
2021-01-22 13:29:28 +0000 +0000
Exquisitos! Los hice ayer en la noche y hoy me desayuné uno