6 Ways to Open a Beer without a Bottle Opener

You find yourself at a gathering with your friends or on a picnic day and surprise! You realize that no one has a bottle opener and there are only bottled beers. If this has happened to you, or you want to impress your guests, here are 6 different ways to open a bottle without needing a bottle opener.

Video of 6 Ways to Open a Beer

Step by Step

Paso 1
With a Lighter

With your left hand, hold the neck of the bottle (near the end of it), squeezing firmly. With your right hand, take the lighter, placing one edge of the lighter between the fingers of your hand and the cap. Create a lever action by resting the lighter on your left hand. The tighter you squeeze your left hand, the better.
Paso 2
With a Ladle

Just like in the previous step, try to create a lever between your fingers and the ladle. You need to apply pressure by squeezing with your left hand, as this helps you to exert the action to create a lever.
Paso 3
With a Knife

For this step, you will use the blade of the knife, especially the part closest to the handle. Just like the previous steps, you need to squeeze very firmly with your left hand the neck of the bottle, as close to the cap as possible, to then exert the lever action, where your left hand will serve as support. Be careful not to cut yourself with the knife's edge.
Paso 4
With a Belt Buckle

For this step, you will use the flat part of the belt buckle. Firmly close your left hand, covering the neck of the bottle. Place the buckle between the cap and your hand. Resting the buckle on the fingers of your left hand, twist your wrist (of the hand holding the buckle) to pop the cap off.
Paso 5
With Another Bottle

In your left hand, you will hold the bottle you want to open, covering the neck of the bottle with your whole hand, trying to leave little space between your hand and the cap (so you can insert the cap of the other beer there). With your right hand, hold the other bottle by the neck and insert the cap into the space between your left hand and the cap. Twist your right wrist to pop the beer open.
Paso 6
With a Spoon

With your left hand, firmly squeeze the neck of the bottle. With your right hand, take the spoon, as close as possible to its concave part. Twist your right hand to pop the bottle open.
Paso 7
Ready! Now all that's left is for you to practice a bit so you can master the technique of opening bottles with caps without the need for a bottle opener.

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