How to make a mathematical breakfast

In this tip, we present a different, fun, mathematical way to surprise your friends and family. You will learn to cut a bagel in the shape of a Moebius band, just like a chain, allowing you to present the bagel in a unique and fun way.

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Video of How to make a Mathematical Breakfast

Step by Step

Paso 1
Place the knife vertically in the center of the bagel, making sure the tip reaches the bottom. Cut while turning, using the center of the bread as a reference. It is necessary to start with the knife horizontal and finish with the knife vertical.
Paso 2
Once you reach the halfway point, place the knife back in a horizontal position, with the tip pointing towards your body.
Paso 3
Rotate the bread so that it is upside down. Find where you started cutting the bagel and continue cutting, aiming to form an oval, similar to the previous cut.
Paso 4
In the center of the bagel, bend the knife so that it is first vertical and then horizontal.
Paso 5
Flip the bread again.
Paso 6
Cut the bagel in half, following the outline of the bread. Cut just like in step 1.
Paso 7
Flip the bagel and repeat the cut, just like in step 3.
Paso 8
Separate the bagel with your hands to form the chain.
Paso 9
Done! You have now cut a bagel mathematically in the shape of a Moebius band.

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