11 delicious Yucatecan food recipes

The gastronomy of Yucatán is an unmissable party of exquisite flavors, that’s why you must try all the possible dishes, especially if they are easy enough to prepare at home. Don’t miss these 11 delicious Yucatecan food recipes!

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11 delicious Yucatecan food recipes

Step by Step

Paso 1
Cochinita Pibil in the OvenCochinita pibil is, by excellence, the most popular Yucatecan dish and it is so popular that we created this easy recipe for you to prepare at home and use in tacos, panuchos, tostadas, and everything you want.
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Paso 2
Pickled OnionsPickled onions with habanero are a must-have to enjoy your delicious cochinita pibil and all the other Yucatecan dishes you can prepare.
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Paso 3
Easy PapadzulesPapadzules are a snack that consists of small corn tortillas soaked in a sauce made with pumpkin seeds, filled with chopped boiled egg, rolled like tacos, and drenched in more pumpkin seed sauce. A classic of Yucatecan cuisine!
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Paso 4
Tuna PanuchosTo give a twist to the typical cochinita panuchos, we present this irresistible different option with tuna filling. These Yucatecan panuchos come with a habanero sauce that will make you fall in love.
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Paso 5
Lime SoupLime soup is a typical dish of Yucatecan gastronomy; this soup is delicious because it is a seasoned chicken broth spiced with cloves, Yucatecan oregano, and cumin. This broth is fried in lard with chicken, tomato, onion, and sweet yellow chili or Xcat-ik.
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Paso 6
Delicious Motuleños EggsMotuleños eggs are a classic recipe from Yucatán, as they originate from the town of Motul. This Yucatecan dish is very famous, as it consists of a fried tortilla spread with refried beans, a fried egg, grated fresh cheese, chopped ham, and blanched peas. Their sauce makes them a delicacy!
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Paso 7
Chicken Salbutes in Green and Red SauceSalbutes are a traditional dish of Yucatecan cuisine, but this version is adapted for you to prepare them with a chicken stew filling in green and red sauce, making them ideal for patriotic celebrations, although they are also a perfect Mexican snack for the weekend.
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Paso 8
MucbiPollo in the PanMucbipollo is similar to a tamale but is filled with chicken and pork, in an achiote dough and wrapped in banana leaves. A true delight worthy of preparing for our deceased on their day. The best part of this recipe is that it is super easy to make.
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Paso 9
Beans with PorkDid you know that it is a tradition to prepare this dish every Monday in the Yucatán Peninsula? Dare to try a classic of Yucatecan cuisine.
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Paso 10
Casserole TamaleThe casserole tamale originates from Yucatán and is also known by the names "tamal budin," "tamal cake," "tamal de olla," or "tamal de molde." The fillings can vary from turkey with mole, chicken, vegetables, etc. Make the combinations you like the most and enjoy this delicious dish.
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Paso 11
Beef MenudoMenudo is the name shared by various stews made with beef tripe. With some exceptions, in the northern states of the country, they prefer to call it menudo; in the center, pancita or mole de panza, and in the south and Yucatán Peninsula, mondongo. Try it hot!

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