This Christmas, give a little gift without spending much; you only need paper rolls, ribbon, and candies. You will be surprised by the result; it’s very easy to make!
Lightly flatten the paper roll and fold the ends inward.
Fill it with candies and close it.
Glue the ribbon in the middle and place the bow, burlap, and Christmas decoration on top.
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romelia milagros sarmiento rodriguez
2016-12-10 19:35:30 +0000 +0000
Hermoso detalle excelente grácias por compartir
Sandra Palos Briones
2016-12-10 18:53:49 +0000 +0000
Excelente manualidad quedan muy bonitos....y sería un buen detalle para regalar a tus invitados en la cena de Navidad..... gracias por compartir .... Dios les de en abundacia amor salud y bendiciones en esta navidad