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4 benefits of Mediterranean cuisine
Cares for You

4 benefits of Mediterranean cuisine

By Gretel Morales - 2023-02-09T15:33:39Z
Currently, there is a lot of talk about the famous Mediterranean diet, which is consumed in countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Croatia, and Morocco. In addition to being considered one of the most delicious in the world, Mediterranean food also has surprising health benefits, here we tell you what they are! 

The Mediterranean diet pyramid 
In 1993, Harvard University and the World Health Organization joined efforts to create the Mediterranean diet pyramid, a guide for people to familiarize themselves with the main ingredients that make up this dietary regimen. However, it is not a strict plan, but rather a list of foods widely consumed in the region. 

The pyramid highlights a wide range of ingredients, as well as habits: 
  • Include in every meal: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, beans, nuts, legumes, seeds, herbs, and spices. 
  • Consume frequently or at least 2 times a week: fish and seafood. 
  • Eat in moderation, daily or several times a week: chicken, eggs, cheese, and yogurt. 
  • It is recommended to consume infrequently: red meat and sweets. 
  • Likewise, the Mediterranean diet recommends drinking plain water with all meals, while wine can be enjoyed in moderation. In terms of physical exercise, it is recommended to be part of people's daily lives, so let's get moving! 
As you can see, the Mediterranean cuisine focuses on fresh ingredients, mostly of plant origin, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, olive oil, spices, and more. In terms of proteins, the most recommended are fish and other seafood, followed by fish and seafood. While it does include the consumption of dairy, eggs, and chicken, it is not as frequent. Lastly, red meat and sugary foods are at the bottom of the pyramid. 

You can also read: 7 recipes to adopt the Mediterranean diet

For its part, Harvard University emphasizes some characteristics of this cuisine, which make it unique in the world: 
  • Includes healthy fats: Thanks to cooking with olive oil, it is a much lighter and more nutritious option. It also includes nuts, seeds, and fish, ingredients that provide good fats. 
  • Say hello to fish: As you probably noticed, fish is the main source of protein, while chicken, eggs, and dairy play a less significant role. 
  • Water, water, and water: In the Mediterranean diet, the most important drink is plain water. However, it also includes a moderate amount of wine with meals. The university clarifies that this would be “one to two glasses of wine a day for men and one glass a day for women.”
  • It emphasizes the importance of being physically active every day.  
Now that you know what foods and habits are included in the Mediterranean diet, we will talk about its health benefits. 

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The benefits of Mediterranean cuisine 
Over the years, various scientific studies have shown the many benefits of this type of diet, here we tell you what they are. 

Type 2 diabetes 
After analyzing a series of studies and research, it was found that the Mediterranean diet helped obese individuals lose weight in a manner similar to low-calorie or low-fat diets. Additionally, this type of diet reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity, according to Forbes Health. 

Good for the heart 
Harvard University explains that, in a study involving 26,000 women, it was found that those who adopted the Mediterranean diet “had a 25% lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease over a 12-year period.” It is believed that the heart benefits derive from improvements in inflammation levels, glucose, and body mass index. 

This condition affects millions of people worldwide, so this is excellent news. According to Forbes Health, following the Mediterranean diet “can reduce blood pressure,” which decreases the likelihood of suffering from this disease. 

Aging & cognitive function 
Experts from the university mention another study on women, which yielded very positive results regarding aging and cognitive function. Since the foods included in Mediterranean cuisine are rich in antioxidants, this helps combat cellular stress, a process that can be defined as “the state in which the cell does not have optimal conditions for survival, with oxidative being a type of stress in which harmful free radicals are generated for cellular structures.” 

As if that weren't enough, another study involving over 10,000 women indicated that those who followed the Mediterranean diet were more likely to age healthily, as it is believed that factors such as “a higher intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fish; moderate alcohol consumption; and low intake of red meat and processed meats” are key.  

Now that you know the great benefits of Mediterranean cuisine, consult your doctor and don't think twice about consuming more fresh salads, olive oil, and legumes in your meals, while you should eat more fish and less red meat. 

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