Boost your defenses with #KiwiTeCuida
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Boost your defenses with #KiwiTeCuida

By Kiwilimón - 2021-06-24T16:31:49Z
The immune system is our body's natural defense against infections. In times like these, it is vital to keep our defenses high, which can be achieved through a healthy diet based on the intake of natural foods, setting aside processed and refined products; getting proper rest, and engaging in regular physical activity. That’s why at #KiwiTeCuida we present the weekly challenge to boost our defenses. 

Jennifer Asencio, a clinical nutritionist for 20 years, recommends 5 ways to boost our defenses: 

Prebiotic Diet
This generates health-boosting activity from our beneficial bacteria. It is key to keeping our immune system in order so it can face any external threat, such as Covid-19. Probiotics are bacteria found in the intestine that are beneficial for the body’s health, as they contribute to easy digestion, nutrient absorption, and reinforcement of the immune system. However, it is not so easy to obtain probiotics through food. 

Yes to Nutritious Foods 
To strengthen our immune system, we need to focus on highly nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables that contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Among these, we should pay attention to vitamin C, which is mainly found in citrus fruits, vitamin E, iron, and considering that confinement makes us less exposed to sunlight, vitamin D, which is responsible for strengthening our bones, is also very important. In terms of minerals, selenium and zinc, found in animal-derived foods, are also crucial for the immune system.

Stay Hydrated
We must not forget the importance of daily hydration, as Dr. Pérez states: "Staying hydrated is necessary; we need to drink water constantly." One of its benefits is that it helps to maintain hydration in the mucosa, which is the barrier the virus encounters first. In fact, it will be more difficult for the virus to access if, on the contrary, the mucosa is dry and irritated. 

Exercise Regularly 
Regular exercise helps the immune system function properly and stay fit. Moderate exercise provides an anti-inflammatory effect on the immune system and also decreases the likelihood of infections. To achieve this effect, it should be done regularly and dedicate at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. Exercise induces changes in antibodies and leukocytes. Leukocytes are the immune system cells that fight diseases through antibodies, which are proteins that neutralize bacteria and external agents. These antibodies and leukocytes circulate more quickly with regular exercise, enabling them to detect and combat diseases more rapidly and effectively.

Foods to Include in Your Diet
The foods we should include in our diet to strengthen the immune system are citrus fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, avocado, garlic, mushrooms, salmon, chicken, tuna slices, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, eggs, berries, ginger, turmeric, among many others.
If you want to know more recommendations to boost your defenses, join the conversation on Instagram live this Monday, June 28, at 6 PM, with Jennifer Asencio, clinical nutritionist, and Fernanda Balmaceda, Kiwilimón's associate editor, who will answer all your questions!