Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:23:40.445777Z
Anyone who respects themselves as a cook and food lover must be equipped with the necessary utensils. In the case of knives, for example, it is not enough to have an all-purpose one, as different products require different types of cuts. On the other hand, you also don't need one of those sets of 12 different knives, as that is just for show. Today we tell you which four knives you really need in your kitchen and how to handle them.
Chef's knife
Ask any chef what their favorite kitchen tool is, the one they would take to a deserted island, and we assure you this is their answer. The chef's knife is used for 90% of the work in a professional kitchen and is recommended to be 8 to 10 inches long. The size may seem a bit large to you, but remember that the larger the size, the more work it can do for you, and there is less danger of cutting yourself. When cutting fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, or chicken, this is the tool you should use.
How to chop onion
Paring knife
This knife is significantly smaller than the chef's knife and is used specifically for all those products that are too small to be cut by a larger knife, such as garlic and strawberries. Typically measuring about three and a half inches, these knives are also perfect when precision and detail are needed, and remember that you should not use it on hard vegetables like carrots as it does not have enough strength and it can be dangerous.
Strawberry Pie
Serrated knife
It is also known as a bread knife as it is excellent for cutting through the hard crust, although that is not all it can do. It is also recommended for more easily cutting certain ingredients that have a hard or slippery surface, such as tomatoes, pineapples, melons, and peppers. Its teeth help penetrate those difficult surfaces, but do not try to use it for chopping ingredients as it will be almost impossible due to its anatomy.
Boning knife
OK, most people ask their butcher to bone their chicken and meat from the start, but for those who like to ask for the entire rack of ribs or the whole bird, this is the only knife for the job. Since it is small and flexible, it can cut where other, stiffer knives could never reach. It is an ideal tool for separating meat from bone, but never for cutting the bones themselves.
Marinade for grilled chicken