Read in EnglishThe
fish ceviche recipes usually do not vary much in their ingredients and step-by-step, but what can be different is the type of fish that can be used.
Ceviche is a dish with a lot of history,
perfect for summer and very easy to make, originating from Peru, although there are also versions in Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and even Mexico, but only in Peru is it considered
cultural heritage.
To prepare this fresh dish that is not cooked with heat, the fish needs to be marinated (although seafood ceviche is also made) in citrus fruits like lemon and lime, and sour orange was also used. Most versions also include chili, cilantro, onion, and tomato.
For example, our
traditional ceviche recipe lists in the
ingredients one cup of fish fillet, 1/2 cup of tomato, two teaspoons of onion, two tablespoons of serrano chili, three tablespoons of fresh cilantro, one teaspoon of ground black pepper, the juice of 5 lemons, and one tablespoon of salt.
But what fish is required to buy? The
types of fish for eating are several, for example, there are
blue fish (like tuna, sardines, and salmon),
white fish (like cod, hake, or catfish), and
semi-fat fish (like trout). Below, we explain which are ideal for making ceviche.
What fish to buy for making cevicheAccording to Yamilette González, coordinator of chefs at Kiwilimón,
the best fish for making ceviche are tilapia fillet, grouper, tilapia, snapper, corvina, or Nile perch.
Whichever you choose, the most important thing is that you
buy the freshest fish possible, as this will ensure that your ceviche has a fresh flavor.
Another important point is to marinate the fish cut into cubes, letting it rest in the marinade for at least 20 minutes and doing it in refrigeration.
All this will ensure you a delicious ceviche, perfect to eat in summer and with all the flavor of the fish you choose.
Put these tips to the test and prepare one of these ceviches at home:
Fish Ceviche Fish Ceviche with TamarindFish Ceviche with Orange