If you want to lose weight without "rebound," you must consider a change in habits to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Adopting healthy habits poses no risks to your health, unlike so-called "miracle products."
That’s why at Salud180.com we present 10 actions that science has determined to be effective for achieving the figure you have always desired in a healthy way:
1. Substitute foods. A study published in the New England Journal Medicine indicates that consuming yogurt and hard-shelled nuts like walnuts or almonds in the long term helps you lose weight more quickly and effectively than fruit diets.
2. Eat slowly. Eating food quickly reduces the secretion of hormones that generate the feeling of fullness, which leads to overeating. Take your time and enjoy every bite.
3. Sleep. According to studies from the University of Chicago, if you are on a weight loss diet and have uninterrupted sleep at night, you burn a greater amount of fat.
4. Imagination. Scientists from Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA) discovered that when cravings for foods like chocolate and sweets arise, simply imagining consuming large quantities of them can calm that sensation.
5. Drink water. During a meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), a study revealed that drinking two cups of water before bed prevents obesity and benefits weight loss.
6. Read labels. A recent study from Washington State University revealed that women aged 37 to 50 who adopted the habit of reading labels reported better weight control than those who only bought products mechanically.
7. Avoid eating near "screens." According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating near the television or computer increases appetite due to constant advertising about foods, especially those containing saturated fats or large amounts of sugar.
8. Calcium-rich foods. Scientific research conducted at the University of Wisconsin, USA states that calcium-rich foods are useful for losing weight, as they influence the metabolism of fat cells.
9. In exercise, "less is more." Researchers from Copenhagen University, Denmark demonstrated that 30 minutes of daily exercise is as effective for losing weight and gaining body mass as 60 minutes.
10. Seasonings. Research from Purdue University indicates that consuming cayenne pepper helps reduce appetite and burn more calories.
Miracle methods do not exist and are not effective; they can also put your health at risk, especially those that do not have a label on their packaging.
Remember that if weight gain occurs over a certain period of time, losing it will also take time. Do not despair; the key is to achieve a healthy lifestyle that includes consistency, attitude, and commitment to your goals. You can do it!