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Lie! Profeco denies that you can bring food into the cinema
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Lie! Profeco denies that you can bring food into the cinema

By Gretel Morales - 2025-02-17T15:15:41Z
On social media, a supposed list of foods you can bring into movie theaters has gone viral, according to Profeco. The list included french fries, hot dogs, and even pizzas, but the authorities have already debunked this news. 

So, if you arrive at the cinema with your own food, you will find that this news is completely false, as cinema chains have the right to prohibit the entry of outside food. Here we explain what Profeco said! 

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Profeco: Can you bring food into the cinema? 

As of today, you cannot bring food into the cinema. If you were one of those who fell for this fake news, be very careful! Profeco has already denied the supposed list of food that you can bring into the cinema and clarified the situation. 

The Federal Consumer Attorney's Office (Profeco) informs that the information circulating on social media and in some media outlets about a supposed list of foods that can be brought into cinemas is false.  

Mexican authorities clarified that the list is false and that "consumers can decide whether or not to purchase food at the establishment they attend. However, at the moment of purchasing a ticket, they are accepting the terms and conditions established in the providers' contract."

That is to say, when we go to the cinema and buy a ticket, we are agreeing to follow the rules established by the company. This means that we must comply with rules such as not bringing food that you have not purchased at the cinema's concession stand.  

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Furthermore, Profeco also mentioned that “at the moment of purchasing a ticket to enter and watch a movie, consumers adhere to a contract where the terms and conditions of each establishment are established.” 

The head of the federal agency explained that “if in the adhesion contract or in the conditions it states that you cannot enter with food, you must comply with that contract; if not, finally, do not go to that cinema, go to another one that does not have this limitation; thus, checking backpacks is illegal; asking someone to show the contents of their backpack or package is allowed, but under no circumstances can consumers be forced to do so,” stated the Attorney General.  

Now you know, it is completely false that Profeco published a list of foods you can bring into the cinema, so avoid problems and instead enjoy some nachos and some popcorn.  

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