hummingbirds are small, colorful birds and also pollinators, making them very important for the
environment. As you may already know, hummingbirds feed on the nectar of flowers, but these are scarce in cities, so today we’ll tell you how to make
hummingbird drink correctly.
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Before moving on to the step-by-step guide to preparing
homemade nectar for hummingbirds, it’s important to understand the significance of these animals.
Hummingbirds, like bees, butterflies, and even bats, are pollinators. These birds go from flower to flower consuming nectar while simultaneously collecting pollen and transferring it to other flowers. This process allows plants to reproduce. This has a direct impact on our lives, as pollination leads to the growth of plants that provide us with food.
On the other hand, hummingbirds consume their weight in nectar during the day, according to
UNAM. This is why they remain in constant motion and very active throughout the day, as they need to find multiple flowers to feed on.

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6 benefits of consuming pollenHow to make hummingbird drink?
Setting up a
hummingbird feeder is one of the actions you can take to protect pollinators. It’s worth mentioning that experts in this type of bird advise that only refined white sugar should be used to prepare the nectar. The use of honey, piloncillo, or brown sugar, as well as colorants, is not recommended.
Before jumping into the recipe, keep these 2 important points in mind:
- Wash the feeder every day, as bacteria can grow, and if hummingbirds feed from it, they can get sick and die.
- If the feeder is made of plastic, ensure it doesn’t get direct sunlight.
Nectar for hummingbirds
Experts recommend following this rule when making
nectar for hummingbirds:
- 1 part sugar to 4 parts water; that is, 1 cup of refined white sugar to 4 cups of water.
1. Heat the water and turn it off once it boils.
2. Add the sugar and dissolve it.
3. Let it cool and pour it into the feeder.
It’s essential not to boil the sugar, as this can cause the mixture to ferment.
Read more:
Beeswax: What is it and what are its benefits?The best plants for hummingbirds
Although this
homemade nectar for hummingbirds helps provide them with enough energy to continue their flight and search for more flowers, don’t forget that placing flowers at home is very helpful for them to keep pollinating. Here are the best plants and flowers for hummingbirds. Do you already have any of these at home?
- Salvia
- Lantana
- Honeysuckle
- Pentas
- Aquilegia
- Daylilies
- Geraniums
- Begonias
- Bird of paradise
- Hibiscus
- Mallow
- Iris
Now that you know the best plants for hummingbirds and how to make homemade nectar, don’t hesitate to place these plants in your yard or balcony and prepare food for the hummingbirds to keep pollinating. Caring for them is everyone's responsibility!