Batch cooking, what it is and why everyone is doing it
Kiwilimón - 2019-11-13T10:47:49Z
We live in a time when due to lack of time, it is increasingly uncommon for us to cook, so we end up eating almost anything that crosses our path on the street.
This can pose a health risk, as we do not know the ingredients used to prepare the food, and generally, it is not food that truly nourishes us.
To avoid falling into temptations, your best ally will be organization and that is precisely the key to Batch cooking.
What is Batch cooking?
Batch cooking is cooking in batches for your entire week and this technique consists of two basic things: planning the week and cooking in one day.
Planning and organization will prevent you from resorting to last-minute meals and will make your diet healthier and more varied.
By doing batch cooking, you will save time, eat better, waste less food, and save money.
How to do batch cooking?
-Plan the menus for the entire week.
-Make a list of the ingredients and the quantities you need to buy.
-Dedicate one day to cook everything for the week; you will cook a lot, but remember that for the rest of the days, you won't have to do it.
-Portion and freeze each of the meals.
-Label all your containers for better organization.
Things you need to keep in mind
-Prepare dishes with ingredients that can be frozen. For foods that cannot be frozen, such as mayonnaise and some vegetables like lettuce and arugula, it is better to store them in the refrigerator in a well-sealed container.
-The most convenient thing once you have cooked is to store the food in the portions that you are going to eat.
-Take into account the containers you will use, the quantity you will need, and make sure they all close properly. Ensure that your meals do not get contaminated and that food does not spill when you transport it.
-Look for recipes that are suitable for batch cooking.
As you can see, batch cooking is a technique that offers us many benefits, so it is no surprise that everyone is doing it and that habits are changing for the better.