Kiwilimón - 2018-10-16T09:22:46.590292Z
Exercising is a mandatory activity for those who want to have good health, but to achieve your goals, you need to be well informed about what to do and how to do it. Today we want to debunk 7 myths about exercise so you know how to be more productive and get results when you go to the gym or go out to exercise outdoors.
1. Crunches are the best way to get a flat belly
False, they may be the most iconic exercise out there, but the truth is that doing crunches doesn’t burn a lot of calories. It’s much better to do exercises that engage your entire trunk, from glutes to shoulders, to achieve a flat belly; two examples are squats and planks.
2. Sweating a lot is the same as burning a lot of calories
False, sweating is simply a cooling system that the body has. You should rely on a routine designed by experts or a device that tells you how many calories you burned while exercising. How much you sweat can depend on the location, weather, etc.
3. Running is the best exercise for weight loss
Not necessarily, although it is a very good cardiovascular activity, weightlifting, walking on steep terrain, and even cycling are better exercises for burning fat.
4. You need to exercise for 45 minutes for it to count
This is not true, several studies indicate that exercising for half an hour three times a week can be just as effective. Even if you only have ten minutes a day to exercise, that time can also be reflected in your progress.
5. Doing yoga burns calories
False, doing yoga provides flexibility and strength to the muscles, but since it is not complemented with cardiovascular activity, it is not ideal for losing weight and burning calories.
6. Lifting weights makes you wide
Many women refrain from lifting weights out of fear that their bodies will change in an unexpected and undesirable way, but the truth is that lifting the right weight and doing the necessary repetitions helps to slim down and tone up.
7. You must exercise daily
Many studies show that exercising three or four times a week is sufficient; in fact, getting enough sleep and resting between workouts is necessary to reflect all your effort.
Here are some recipes full of protein and vitamins to complement your training from the inside out: