Almost no one escapes from the
toxic stress of “our everyday life.” In these times, where everything is urgent, with a pandemic that seems to have no end, with the “normal” tasks at home that never finish, and for many, a difficult January, maintaining emotional balance can be challenging.
While stress helps us react in risky situations by keeping us alert, when it overwhelms us, problems such as
insomnia, stomach symptoms, loss of appetite, irritability,
anxiety, among others, can arise.
Fortunately, we can limit it. Strategies range from engaging in relaxing activities like yoga, reading a book, or meditating, exercising regularly, following good sleep hygiene, setting priorities, avoiding magnifying problems, to very specific therapies indicated by a specialist doctor.
Along with this, maintaining a balanced and appropriate diet contributes very effectively to feeling good; even better if you include foods that contain certain active compounds that can influence your mood, that is, that act positively on stress, points out nutritionist Nathalie Pernicone from the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán.
In addition to these foods containing very particular substances, there are others that can help indirectly, due to their comforting effects, such as sweets or carbohydrates; however, it is crucial to take care and avoid “emotional eating,” that is, eating to feel better, because in the long run, it can create a distorted relationship with food.
Here are 10 foods that you could include in your daily diet if you want to give your body a hand in managing stress:
Cold-water fish. We refer to salmon, tuna, sardines, or anchovies, as they are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that can help keep cortisol levels (better known as the stress hormone) within normal limits. The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings (of 100 g) per week.
Swiss chard. These large-leaf vegetables have a high magnesium content, which plays a protective role against anxiety. Research published by the American Academy of Neurology suggests including a serving of green leafy vegetables, like Swiss chard, every day, as this also helps to halt cognitive decline.
Almonds and nuts. Like fish, these foods are high in Omega-3 and magnesium, an excellent combination to help relax tension and anxiety. Magnesium, it is worth noting, stimulates the production of serotonin, the so-called “happiness hormone,” so if you want to prevent stress or insomnia, as indicated in a study published in the journal Nature, include these foods in your diet. You can eat a handful daily (from 4 to 10 pieces).

Cocoa. In addition to containing magnesium, it is also rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that can positively influence mood as it is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin (the hormone that helps regulate our biological clock). Great news for chocolate lovers! If you know you'll have a stressful day, don't forget to carry a bar of about 40-50 grams, as suggested by occupational medicine specialist Dr. Víctor Vidal Acosta in his book, Labor Stress.
Kiwi. Vitamin C helps improve mood, which is why kiwi, which contains a significant amount of it, is an excellent option. This is confirmed by the study “Nutritional and health benefits associated with kiwi consumption,” published in the scientific journal Nutritional Hospital. The results indicate that daily consumption – one or two kiwis – can be “an effective strategy for promoting health and preventing diseases,” as it also has a high antioxidant power and effects on immune function.
Orange and citrus fruits in general. Because they are rich in tryptophan and vitamin C, they help combat feelings of anxiety. In fact, a lack of Vitamin C causes people to feel fatigued or depressed. You can consume one or two oranges a day.
Oats. This whole grain is also a good source of tryptophan. Being a carbohydrate, it contains serotonin, which we have already seen is an excellent ally for feeling good. You can eat about 25 g a day.

Milk. Especially warm, before bed. It has been shown that calcium helps strengthen and relax the nervous system, thereby relieving tension and helping to regulate stress levels. A glass is sufficient. Choose skimmed and lactose-free if you are lactose intolerant.
Natural yogurt. This is another dairy ally of tranquility, as it also promotes the production of serotonin, in addition to the properties derived from calcium. Eat or drink two to three dairy products a day; one of them can be yogurt.
Lettuce infusion. It contains a substance called lactucina, which helps relax the nervous system. In this category, we can include infusions like valerian, passionflower, and linden, which have relaxing properties. Drink a cup when you feel stressed.
While nutrition is an aid to emotional well-being, don't forget:
● To maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
● To have adequate rest to keep cortisol levels regulated.
● To exercise, as it has very important antidepressant effects, in addition to reducing stress and anxiety.
● To care for and prioritize mental health as much as physical health.
● To seek a psychologist if you cannot cope with stress.