Mother's Day
Breakfast menu to pamper mom
Adriana sanchez - 2022-05-04T09:58:30Z
Read in SpanishGive the best Mother's Day gift to the one you love the most with this delicious breakfast menu. Here we present the best recipes for crepes, pancakes, and eggs so you can prepare an unforgettable breakfast for mom this May 10th.
Sweet breakfastsIf your mom enjoys sweet flavors, dare to prepare any of these 3 recipes that will leave her speechless. These are 3 sweet dishes that, besides being breakfast, could also serve as a delicious dessert.
Savory breakfastsWe also have other options in case your mom prefers savory flavors. You can pamper her with delicious crepes, a sandwich, or irresistible divorced eggs.
Drinks to accompanyGive a twist to classic coffee and make mom a delicious carajillo with pot coffee, a chai atole, or even a homemade baileys to make the gift 100% homemade.
What do you think of these magnificent breakfasts for Mother's Day?