
Mother's Day

Share mom's advice
Mother's Day

Share mom's advice

By Gretel Morales - 2022-04-27T12:34:54Z

At Kiwilimón, we know that mom is one of our greatest inspirations, as she takes care of us from the very first moment, teaches us to be independent, and shows us the true meaning of the word strength. 

Every May 10th, Mexicans celebrate Mother's Day in the company of our mothers, as well as our grandmothers, aunts, and other maternal figures, those who have shown us love and affection throughout our lives.

Although this date is usually filled with flowers, balloons, cakes, and gifts, it is also the perfect opportunity to thank them for everything they do for us, as being a mother and homemaker is one of the most demanding and exhausting unpaid jobs that exist.

On this occasion, Kiwilimón wants to share all of mom's wisdom with our more than 35 million followers. All you have to do is share her best cooking tips through our Instagram and Facebook accounts. Then, we will select the best ones to share with the entire community. Join in and make your mom famous!