

Why Bone Broth is Good and When to Eat It

Why Bone Broth is Good and When to Eat It

By Kiwilimón - 2020-02-24T09:20:02Z

Your mom and your grandmother weren't wrong when they wanted to soothe all your ills with a broth. Behind this tradition, there are countless reasons that will benefit both your health and your wallet, with a simple bone broth.

Discover why bone broth  is good and all the benefits that this simple broth has for you.


If you are not familiar with all the properties of bone broth, it may seem to you just boiled water with food scraps rather than a nutritious dish. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Despite the simplicity of this preparation, broth made from bones contains many minerals and nutrients. The best part is that the body digests these components better
thanks to its preparation process.


Bone broth is economical, making it a great alternative for mealtime. Since it is made from water and beef, chicken, or pork bones, the cost of preparation is minimal. The other great advantage of this recipe is that it allows you to make the most of all the ingredients from your dishes, including those parts that you usually end up throwing away. Goodbye to waste with bone broth!


The nutritional contribution of a dish is not defined by the level of complexity in its preparation or by the price of its ingredients. Although this broth is packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, the preparation process does not require great skills or very sophisticated kitchen tools. You only need to add some vegetables and season with your favorite spices.


Another great benefit of bone broth is the wide variety of uses we can give it. If you prefer minimalistic food, you can choose to eat the broth as it is, or you can also use it as a base to prepare soups, sauces, creams  or more elaborate stews. Cooking with this broth will make even a noodle soup taste super special.

When is it good to eat bone broth?

Although bone broth is a very nutritious dish, ideal for the whole family, there are certain situations in which its consumption is especially beneficial:

Digestive problems: despite being a food with many nutrients, it is light and gentle, making it perfect for those days when your stomach can't handle just anything.

Cartilage diseases: bone broth is a rich source of collagen and gelatin. These two components help restore joints, as well as hair, nails, and of course, skin.

Malnutrition: in cases where, for some reason, the body has nutrient deficiencies, bone broth can work wonders. This dish contains more than 19 easily absorbable amino acids, as well as nutrients that care for the digestive and immune systems.