
Tips and Advice

8 foolproof tips to save gas in the kitchen
Tips and Advice

8 foolproof tips to save gas in the kitchen

By Adriana sanchez - 2021-06-10T17:20:46Z
The price of gas is increasing every day, and if you're one of those who care about your finances, then this is for you. Learn how you can lighten your monthly expenses with these simple tips on how to save gas in the kitchen.

1. Clean your stove properly

In addition to being essential for hygiene and your health, properly cleaning the stove will help ensure that the burners are free of obstructions, especially built-up grease and soot. When these are clogged, poor combustion occurs, leading to higher gas energy consumption, so make sure to clean your stove's burners well.

2. Use stainless steel pots and pans

Try to use pots and pans made of stainless steel, as this material is an excellent conductor of heat and will help you use less gas while cooking, unlike clay and iron. Remember to clean these utensils well, as this will not only extend their lifespan but also help heat your food faster.

3. Cover the pots

Don't forget to cover the pots while cooking your food, as it will help you achieve faster cooking, better concentrate the flavors and aromas of the preparation, and of course, you will save more gas.

4. Maintain a good temperature level

You can start cooking your food on high heat and lower it as your cooking process progresses. In fact, it is advisable to turn off the flame when your food is almost cooked and allow it to finish cooking with the remaining heat.

5. Prepare ingredients before cooking

Many times we waste gas by leaving the stove on while waiting for food to thaw or while washing, chopping, and peeling. Forget that old habit and do all those steps first so that when you heat your pots and pans, you can just cook, mix, and season without wasting more time and energy.

6. Cook in large quantities

Another foolproof tip to save gas is to cook in large batches, as if you prepare stews for the whole week or all your meals for the day, you can quickly reheat them without having to use as much gas again.

7. Use pressure cookers

Don't be afraid of the pressure cooker and take advantage of all its benefits to cook your food, as it cooks food much faster and saves up to 50% gas.

8. Regulate the use of the oven

When using your stove's oven, try to open it as little as possible. Every time the oven is opened, even for a few seconds, 20% of the heat is lost, leading to greater gas consumption.

Have you learned how to save gas in the kitchen yet?