
Beauty Tips

4 natural ingredients to detoxify your scalp
Beauty Tips

4 natural ingredients to detoxify your scalp

By Gretel Morales - 2021-09-15T16:02:10Z
Although it may seem difficult, our scalp requires a deep cleaning from time to time, as it also accumulates dead skin cells, oil, and dirt, resulting in dull, lifeless, greasy hair that may take longer to grow. It is worth mentioning that, in most cases, your shampoo is not enough to remove all these impurities from your scalp.

In addition to pollution and dead cells, oils, silicones, and other hair products may be accumulating on your head, causing your hair to look dry and have more frizz.

Therefore, it is important to detoxify your scalp, as your hair will look spectacular. The best part is that you don't have to spend a fortune on hair products, as there are several natural ingredients that can help you easily and quickly eliminate all these harmful substances from your hair. At Kiwilimón, we will tell you how to detoxify your scalp with homemade ingredients; you won't believe how simple it is.

You can also read: Homemade remedies to remove dandruff

Natural ingredients to detoxify the scalp

Incorporate the following natural ingredients into your hair care routine for radiant, shiny, and very healthy hair.

Aloe Vera

Thanks to being rich in vitamins A, C, and E, aloe vera is ideal for caring for the scalp. According to experts, the gel from this succulent helps us avoid dandruff and flaking.

You can apply it directly to the scalp and let it sit for about an hour. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with water and use your shampoo.

Now you know, applying aloe vera to the scalp is a great option for having silky hair free of pollution, oil, and dead cells.

Baking Soda

Baking soda will be your best ally when combating a greasy scalp. You just need to mix a little baking soda with water, mix until it forms a paste, and apply. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse with plenty of water and wash your hair with shampoo. You'll notice that your hair is no longer greasy and looks much shinier.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another amazing natural ingredient to detoxify your scalp is apple cider vinegar, as it is ideal for unclogging pores and preventing dandruff. You can dilute a little vinegar with water and then apply this mixture after washing your hair. You will notice the difference immediately.


There is no better way to detoxify your scalp than through a deep exfoliation. Use sugar to remove all impurities, leftover hair products, oil, and dirt.

You can also read: Homemade oatmeal mask for greasy hair

How to detoxify the scalp?

Once you have the ingredients ready, you should apply a generous amount to your scalp and start massaging and then brushing your hair. This process will help you get rid of dead cells, remove hair product residues, and unclog pores.

The benefits of detoxifying your scalp

According to experts, detoxifying the scalp is very beneficial, as it can help you address itching, dandruff, irritation, and excess oil.

Tips for keeping your hair healthy

  • If you want to have beautiful hair, you need to start by balancing your diet. It is recommended to consume foods rich in zinc and omega-3, as well as drink at least two liters of water a day.
  • Choose the right shampoo, depending on your hair type: normal, fine, thick, greasy, damaged, or colored.
  • Brush your scalp with a wide-tooth brush.
  • Use products free of toxic ingredients; the more natural, the better.

How often should I use these homemade remedies?

According to experts, we should detoxify our scalp every four to six weeks to have healthy and shiny hair. If you have a greasy scalp, you can use these homemade remedies twice a month.

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