dandruff is a problem that affects millions of people worldwide, as it is not only annoying but can also affect the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. However, it is important not to feel ashamed of being a victim of the dreaded dandruff, as there are many ways to get rid of it. At Kiwilimón, we recommend 5
home remedies to eliminate this problem.
What is dandruff?According to experts, dandruff is a problem that occurs on the scalp and causes it to produce flakes, although it is worth mentioning that it is not a serious condition and is not contagious.
The main symptoms of dandruff are flakes and itching on the scalp. According to experts, this condition can be a symptom of
seborrheic dermatitis.
Currently, there are countless products that promise to eliminate dandruff; however, there are also a series of home remedies that can help you solve this annoying problem.
Home remedies for dandruffThese are the five home remedies to get rid of dandruff that we recommend the most.
Baking sodaBaking
soda is an ingredient that we all have at home, making it very easy to incorporate into your bathing routine and put an end to dandruff.
According to experts, it is believed that the carbonate acts as an exfoliant and removes dead cells, which reduces the appearance of flakes and itching. On the other hand, all indications suggest that it also has antifungal properties, making this ingredient an ideal treatment to combat all
types of dandruff.
All you need to do is apply the baking soda to your scalp while in the shower and massage for several minutes, then apply shampoo and rinse.
Tea tree oilThis oil is known as "tea tree" in English and offers many health benefits, as it is used to treat dandruff, athlete's foot, lice, acne, and is also antibacterial.
In the specific case of dandruff, it has been shown that applying it for four weeks is an effective way to treat this condition. To top it off, it also helps to relieve itching.
So now you know, look for a shampoo that contains tea tree oil and get rid of annoying dandruff for good.
Apple cider vinegarAlthough apple cider vinegar is attributed with a series of benefits, such as aiding in weight loss, this product is also recommended as a home remedy for ending dandruff, as it is said that the acidity of vinegar stimulates the shedding of dead skin cells on the scalp.
On the other hand, apple cider vinegar balances the pH, which reduces the appearance of fungi and therefore prevents the onset of dandruff. Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to your shampoo, and you will notice the difference.
Aloe VeraAnother of the most effective natural remedies for combating dandruff is applying
aloe vera. Although it is usually used to treat burns or as a facial moisturizer, aloe also helps to combat dandruff, as experts indicate that it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Although scientists are still investigating the benefits of aloe vera, you can incorporate this substance into your bathing routine as a home remedy to eliminate this annoying condition.
AspirinAlthough it may seem hard to believe, aspirin is very helpful in the fight against dandruff, as one of its main compounds, salicylic acid, is also found in most
dandruff shampoos. According to experts, this substance helps to remove the flakes present on the scalp, making it an excellent option.
Crush two aspirin and add the powder to your shampoo; you will surely get rid of dandruff in just a few weeks.