
Cooking Tips

4 types of cinnamon and a gastronomic world
Cooking Tips

4 types of cinnamon and a gastronomic world

By Staff - 2024-06-19T11:57:50Z
The cinnamon is one of the most popular spices among Mexicans. In fact, Mexico is the third largest consumer of cinnamon in the world, with over five thousand tons imported each year, only behind India and the United States, according to the Center for Collective Learning.

While Mexicans enjoy cinnamon in their cuisine, a small number of them do not really know the types of cinnamon that are sold around the world. Do you know them?

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4 types of cinnamon

The origin of cinnamon is Asian and is extracted from trees known as cinnamon trees, which have a bark that is cut and rolled to form cinnamon sticks, although it is also ground to produce the classic cinnamon powder that is added to various dishes.

The family of cinnamon trees or Cinnamomum is diverse, and each species gives rise to a type of cinnamon:
  • Cassia Cinnamon (cinnamomum cassia). It is the most popular cinnamon and the one that is most sold in the world, originating from China. Its quality is medium and is characterized by its mild flavor and reddish color. This type of cinnamon contains high levels of coumarin, which is a chemical compound that acts as a natural anticoagulant.
  • Ceylon Cinnamon (cinnamomum verum). It is native to Sri Lanka, the second most marketed in the world, and is loaded with antioxidants. Its color is lighter brown and has a mild flavor. This type of cinnamon does not contain coumarin. It is the safest for human consumption.
  • Korintje Cinnamon (cinnamomum burmannii). It is grown in Indonesia and Malaysia, has a very spicy flavor, with strong aroma and taste, and is dark reddish in color. Its production is not massive.
  • Saigon Cinnamon or Vietnamese Cinnamon (cinnamomum loureirii). It is a very aromatic species with a high content of essential oil that gives it its characteristic spiciness. It is one of the most expensive due to its antioxidants and brown color. Its production is not very large.

Cinnamon is also produced in Mexico. Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco, and Puebla are the states that have cinnamon trees.

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Cinnamon, a “very Mexican” spice

Drinks like infusions, atoles, and even Christmas punch, as well as the classic cappuccino with its touch of cinnamon and café de olla, use cinnamon as an essential part of their ingredients. Likewise, some breads like cinnamon rolls and cookies; certain desserts like rice pudding and custards have a common ingredient with mole: cinnamon!

The Mexican cuisine would not be the same without the versatility of cinnamon, a spice that arrived with Spanish colonization to stay and be enjoyed in the homes of the country.

By Guadalupe Camacho

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