Mexican cuisine not only depends on the excellent quality ingredients we have at hand or the seasoning we possess, but our utensils also play a vital role in the kitchen. What would we do without our molinillo for hot chocolate or our press for making tortillas? However, one standout element is the
clay pot, as there is nothing more delicious than some good
home-cooked beans or a spicy stew cooked in a clay pot.
To use this type of pot, it must first be seasoned. This almost alchemical process includes soaking it in cold water for 12 hours, allowing it to dry, rubbing it with garlic, filling it with water, heating it, and then letting it cool. Other techniques require “baking” the
clay pot for a couple of hours and adding salt. However, once you season your pot, you can use it freely.
This time, at kiwilimón, we set out to research how to properly wash
clay pots, as this way they will last much longer. Additionally, it's important to keep them intact if they are a family heirloom from grandma, so take note!
You can also read: How to season a clay or tin pot
How to wash clay pots? Washing
clay pots properly requires a bit of time, effort, and patience, as it is done step by step, but don’t worry, as it is a very easy process; here we explain it to you step by step!
- Remove all food residues.
- Rinse the pot with hot water.
- Scrub the pot with a sponge and a little dish soap. Rinse.
- Fill the pot with water, put it on to heat, and allow it to come to a boil.
- Let the clay pot cool, pour out the water, and rinse again.
- Place the pot to dry and store it in a clean place.
Additionally, it is recommended to store it in a spacious place to avoid placing pots or pans on top, as these could break or damage the
Now that you know how to wash clay pots, let’s talk about
lead in these utensils and how you can detect it; pay close attention!
You can also read: How to clean the molcajete step by stepHow to detect lead in clay pots? There are two very easy ways to find out if a pot or clay utensil contains lead; take note and get to work!
- Soak ¼ of the surface of a clay piece in white vinegar for 24 hours. If you notice that the texture is rough and has lost its shine, it may contain lead, so its use is not recommended.
- Pour 100 ml of white vinegar with 100 ml of water into a clay pot, heat it, and let it boil for 10 minutes. Let it cool, pour it into a glass, and add a little potassium iodide. If the mixture turns yellow, then the pot contains lead.
It is worth mentioning that the government has implemented regulations on the use of lead and metals in the manufacture of ceramics and porcelain, so it is now unlikely that they contain lead; however, it is better to be 100% sure.
With these cleaning tips and quality control, there is no excuse not to use the
clay pot that was passed down to you or to buy one for the first time; it will give that special touch to all your dishes!
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