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How to wash different vegetables?
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How to wash different vegetables?

By Gretel Morales - 2021-09-24T11:10:48Z
At kiwilimón, we know that maintaining a balanced diet is extremely important, so it is essential to consume an adequate amount of protein, grains, cereals, fruits, and vegetables. There's no better way to improve your diet than by cooking balanced dishes; however, before you start cooking, it is very important to wash and disinfect the vegetables properly. Although it may sound a bit tedious, it is actually very easy. Here’s how to disinfect vegetables the right way!

Why is it important to wash and disinfect vegetables?

It is crucial that all vegetables you use are 100% clean, as experts say they could be contaminated with listeria, cholera, and salmonella, bacteria that cause severe illnesses.

On the other hand, you may also encounter eggs and insects, so it is advisable to maintain a strict cleaning regimen when it comes to your kitchen and the food you consume.

You can also read: How to wash broccoli to eliminate bacteria and germs?

Before buying your vegetables

Before going to the market or grocery stores, you should remember that fruits and vegetables go through many hands before reaching you, so it is vital to wash and disinfect them once you get home.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), vegetables can become contaminated with bacteria through contact with animals or harmful substances in the soil or water. Furthermore, these types of foods can also become contaminated when stored improperly or during preparation.

When buying vegetables, experts recommend choosing those that are not damaged, and for products that are already cut, such as salads, you should ensure they are refrigerated.

Should vegetables be washed with soap?

While in countries like the United States it is recommended to rinse fruits and vegetables with water and not to use soap, in Mexico, the use of soap and disinfectants is recommended.

For its part, the federal government indicates that “plant-based foods are washed individually or in small bunches with potable water, scrubbed or brushed (if necessary), soap or detergent, rinsed with potable water, and disinfected.”

If you use disinfectants for food, it is important to follow the product instructions to the letter. It is also essential that this product is authorized by the Ministry of Health.

You can also read: What foods should not be stored in the refrigerator?

How should vegetables be washed?

In general, experts recommend a series of basic hygiene tips to ensure your vegetables are perfectly clean and ready to cook:
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before touching the vegetables.
  • If the vegetables have any bruises, cut off that part before consuming or using it to prepare a dish.
  • For vegetables that are peeled, you should wash them very well before removing the skin, as bacteria could adhere to the vegetable.
  • If the vegetable has a porous surface, like celery, it is advisable to use a small brush to wash this type of food.
  • Once the food is clean, we should dry it with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove any residues.
  • For leafy vegetables, such as lettuce and cabbage, you should remove the damaged leaves, wash them, and then disinfect them.
  • Remember that it is very important to rinse all vegetables with plenty of water to remove any soap residue, as its consumption is harmful.

How to wash different vegetables?

Although authorities recommend using soap and plenty of water, there are some considerations you should take into account for each food.

Garlic is extremely important in Mexican cuisine, as it adds an extra flavor to all kinds of stews, sauces, and soups. To clean it, all you need to do is remove the skin from the garlic head and also peel the cloves you will use for your recipe.

Since celery has a textured surface full of grooves, it is advisable to use a small brush to remove dirt, dust, or any other substances. Remember to rinse it well and also remove the leaves and cut the ends, as they are usually damaged.

Beet, also known as beetroot, is an excellent ingredient for preparing fresh salads and spicy snacks. However, you must wash it very well, as it usually has a lot of dirt. Once it is washed and dried, you can peel it and remove the stem.

Nothing is more comforting than a broccoli cheese soup, as this vegetable has many health benefits. Because it consists of small trees, it is advisable to cut the broccoli into pieces and then wash them with plenty of water and soap. Place the broccoli florets in a colander and let them drain and dry. Don't forget to remove any damaged parts.

Squash is an excellent option for preparing economical, filling, and healthy dishes. Before getting started, you should wash the squash very well, but be careful, as they can easily get squished.

Onion is another vital ingredient in Mexican cuisine, as it adds great flavor to beans, onion steak, cactus salads, salsas, and broths. To clean them, it is recommended to remove the outer layer, as it is usually damaged and contains dirt or dust.

The health benefits of eating mushrooms are numerous, which is why it is recommended to include them in your daily diet. Additionally, they are a very versatile food, as you can prepare pastas, soups, salads, and other delicious dishes with mushrooms.

To wash them, the first thing you should do is remove the dirt that has adhered to the vegetable and the stem, as that is where the most dirt is stored. Then, you should wash them with enough water and soap; you can use a small brush or your hands. It is important to dry them very well. Remember that you should not leave mushrooms soaking in water or store them while they are still wet.

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Cabbage, spinach, and lettuce
If you want to improve your diet, the best thing you can do is include delicious and fresh salads in your weekly menu; you won’t regret it, but before preparing them, you should wash and disinfect the ingredients very well.

In the case of leafy vegetables like cabbage, spinach, kale, and arugula, it is very important to wash them carefully, as they may contain insects, dirt, and dust.

You should start by removing a couple of leaves, as these usually contain the most dirt. Then, separate the leaves and wash them with soap and water. Remember to rinse very well to remove all the soap. Afterwards, disinfect the leaves following the product instructions. Once the vegetables are clean and disinfected, let them dry, and they will be ready to prepare nutritious salads.

Just like with broccoli, it's best to cut the cauliflower into small florets and then wash them with soap and water. Once dry, you can prepare crispy cauliflower boneless or any dish you desire.

Edible flowers, herbs, and quelites
For foods like squash blossom, cilantro, parsley, and all quelites, it is important to wash and disinfect them very well before consumption. Before washing the leaves, remove any that are already wilted and remember that they should be drained and dried very well before use.

Tomato is essential in kitchens, as it is a key ingredient for salsas, stews, moles, and all kinds of dishes. To wash them, you just need to use a bit of soap and water, but be careful, as you could easily crush them.

If you want to prepare creamy mashed potatoes or crispy French fries, you must first wash these tubers very well. Then, use a small brush to remove all the dirt and dust. Let them dry before using.

Bell pepper
Bell pepper is an excellent option for preparing delicious dishes, as they can be stuffed with rice, quinoa, and meat. Before preparing any dish, you should wash the peppers very well, as dust and dirt tend to accumulate on the stem. Remember to wash them carefully, as they can get damaged easily.

Carrots are essential for preparing shrimp or chicken broth; however, since they grow underground, it is very important to wash them with plenty of water and soap. You can use a brush to remove all the dirt from the grooves.

Before washing your vegetables

It is very important to remember that you should not wash and disinfect fruits and vegetables until you are going to eat or prepare them, as washing them long before and storing them in the refrigerator increases the likelihood of bacteria growing and spoiling them.