kiwilimón, we know that you are always looking for ways to take care of your health and improve your cooking skills, so this time we will talk about the importance of disinfecting all kinds of
wooden utensils, such as cutting boards, spatulas, spoons, ladles, mortars, and more.
On one hand, using dirty wooden utensils could cause some stomach illness, as if you don’t disinfect and care for them, you could promote the spread of
bacteria. On the other hand, if you don’t wash them properly, they can absorb unpleasant odors and ruin your meals or desserts. So pay close attention because we will explain why and
how to disinfect wooden utensils step by step.
You can also read: 5 tricks to properly clean your cutting boardHow to wash and disinfect wooden utensils
spoons and spatulas are basic in the kitchen, as they are economical, last a long time, and do not scratch your pots and pans; however, you must wash, disinfect, and care for them to keep them in good condition for many years, so here we give you different cleaning options, let’s get to work!
1. Wash with water and soap The most recommended thing is to wash these
utensils after using them, as this way you ensure they are completely clean and grease does not accumulate. Additionally, if you wash them after each use, you will only need a little water and soap to make them look new. On the other hand, it is essential that you let them dry very well before storing them.
2. Wash your utensils with a little vinegar If your wooden utensils seem to have a very sticky layer of grease, don’t worry, we will teach you how to make them look like new.
Mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of hot water and soak the utensil for about two hours. Remove it from the vinegar-water solution, wash with water and soap, and let it dry completely before storing it, it will be squeaky clean!
3. How to disinfect wooden utensils Bacteria are everywhere, so there is no better way to care for your utensils than with a little hydrogen peroxide. To disinfect your wooden utensils, the first thing you should do is wash the spatulas and spoons with water and soap, then spray with a little hydrogen peroxide and let dry.
It is important to mention that you should only spray the utensils, not submerge them in hydrogen peroxide. Moreover, you should wash them with water and soap before using them for cooking again.
4. Baking soda to remove bad odors It is common for utensils to start holding bad odors after much use. So, if your wooden spatulas and spoons smell like garlic, onion, or chili, don’t worry, we have the solution.
Mix ½ cup of water with ½ cup of baking soda until it forms a paste, apply it on the utensils and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water and you're done, goodbye to bad odors!
5. Use
CitroBiox® is a 100% natural disinfectant, which is ideal for cleaning all types of surfaces, objects, and food, as it does not contain harmful chemicals for health. To disinfect your wooden utensils, just follow these steps:
1. Wash the board or utensil with water and soap
2. Spray with
3. Wait 5 minutes
4. Done! You can now use all your utensils, there will be no viruses or bacteria!
You can also read: How to clean the blender with vinegar and other ingredientsHow to clean your wooden board?
cutting boards are essential in our kitchens, but sometimes we forget to wash, disinfect, and care for them properly. However, this process is simple, practical, and will help you avoid the appearance of any bacteria and bad odors.
1. Wash the board with vinegar In addition to washing the wooden board immediately after use, you can use a little white vinegar to make it look like new, here's what to do!
Mix ¼ cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water, then soak the board in the mixture for about 10 minutes. Remove, wash with water and soap, and let it dry very well before storing it.
2. Disinfect the wooden board with bleach The
FDA recommends disinfecting wooden and plastic boards with diluted bleach, as this way they will be clean, odor-free, and most importantly, free of bacteria!
1. Dilute one tablespoon of bleach in 3.7 liters of water.
2. Spray the wooden board with the bleach and water mixture.
3. Let it sit for a few minutes.
4. Rinse very well and let dry before storing it.
3. How to disinfect a bamboo board? In the case of bamboo boards, which have become popular in recent years, the FDA recommends using hot water and soap. If you want to disinfect them, you can use the same bleach and water method that is used to clean
wooden boards.
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If you have noticed that your wooden utensils and boards look rough and dry, it’s time to revive them, otherwise, they could crack, which will cause food to accumulate and bacteria to grow.
To hydrate your utensils or boards, you should apply a small amount of
mineral oil and rub it over the entire surface, they will look like new!
Things you should NOT do with your wooden utensils
After following all these tips to make your wooden utensils squeaky clean and last longer, we remind you of what you should not do with them.
1. It is essential that you DO NOT leave them soaking in water for hours or days, as this promotes the growth of all kinds of bacteria.
2. Stay away from the stove! Although some people recommend putting all wooden utensils in a pot filled with water and then boiling it for hours, this is NOT ideal, as the high temperature could crack the spatulas and spoons, which will cause food residues to accumulate in the cracks.
3. DO NOT store your boards and utensils while they are still damp, as this will encourage bacteria to grow.
4. Say goodbye! If your spatulas or boards are broken, have cracks or splinters, it’s time to let them go, as this promotes the growth of bacteria.
5. Do not hydrate them with cooking oils, as over time, these oils will leave a rancid taste on your utensils.
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