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This year Lent will be celebrated from March until April 18th. To prevent the typical traditions and festivities of this time of year from affecting your wallet, we suggest you put these tips into practice. By applying these recommendations in your daily life, you can enjoy Lent while saving money.
Step out of the traditional:
We know that according to Catholic custom, meat should not be eaten during this time, but it is also true that fish and seafood prices tend to rise considerably during this period. If you find that you can't afford to prepare a fish dish, it's better to opt for a vegetarian recipe. Here are some options:
Broad Bean Salad with Egg
Stuffed Zucchini with Cheese in Corn Sauce
Low-Carb Nopal Enchiladas
Make the most of your ingredients:
When you are trying to save money, wasting food is completely forbidden. This means that if you are going to prepare a dish, you must use all the ingredients completely. No throwing away peels or only using part of the pulp.
Create a seasonal menu:
Take advantage of all the seasonal fruits and vegetables and prepare recipes with them. Spinach, nopales, cucumbers, mandarins, mangoes, watermelons, and melons will be fresh and cheaper during March and April. If you're not sure what to prepare with these ingredients, these recipes can give you some ideas:
Crazy Mangoes
Mushroom and Nopal Toasts
Egg White Enfrijoladas Stuffed with Nopales
Use what you have in your pantry:
Before you rush to the supermarket to buy food, take a look among the shelves of your pantry. You will probably find some forgotten ingredients that can help you create a good menu. Shelled corn, canned tuna, peppers, and canned fruits have a lot of potential; you just need a bit of creativity to turn them into special Lent dishes.
Transform your favorite recipes
Substitute some ingredients in your favorite recipes to make them budget-friendly and suitable for Lent. Need some inspiration? How about this recipe for Mexican Tuna Stuffed Pepper?