Broths are the base of many culinary preparations such as soups, creams, rice dishes, and various sauces. I invite you to prepare this delicious chicken broth.
You can prepare broths in large quantities and freeze them for up to 6 months, so that on the day you want to make your recipe, you already have half the work done.
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Mayra Barron
2018-01-17 12:58:01 +0000 +0000
Excelente recomendación
China Vigil
2018-01-11 15:26:09 +0000 +0000
Muy simple,
2017-11-18 20:00:29 +0000 +0000
Y si no es en olla expres cuanto tiempo tarda ...???
Jacob Wood
2017-09-23 14:47:11 +0000 +0000
What about without a pressure cooker. I only have a pot.