A hot drink for those cold days. An easy-to-make beverage with ingredients that we always have at home, banana atole with spices that is completely different.
You can make it thicker by blending more bananas; the riper they are, the more flavor it will have.
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2014-10-23 13:29:49 +0000 +0000
Mi tía Tere lo espesaba con masa y le ponía rodajas d plátano fritas, delicioso; sólo ella lo hace en la familia y la pimienta q usaba era d la "gorda" no d la chiqita
NimCit CasEsc
2013-10-07 01:15:03 +0000 +0000
Voy a probar un nuevo tipo de atole y creo que me va a encantar mmmm.