4 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
Select all ingredients
1/2 kilos chicken breast, as a cutlet
125 grams sour cream
2 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise
1 pinch ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoons mustard
salt, to taste
ground garlic, to taste
1 package ground bread, or crushed crackers
1.1 libras chicken breast, as a cutlet
4.18 onzas líquidas sour cream
1.04 onzas low-fat mayonnaise
1 pinch ground black pepper
0.08 onzas líquidas mustard
0 salt, to taste
0 ground garlic, to taste
1 package ground bread, or crushed crackers
2.11 tazas chicken breast, as a cutlet
8.25 cucharadas sour cream
2 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise
1 pinch ground black pepper
0.5 teaspoons mustard
0 salt, to taste
0 ground garlic, to taste
1 package ground bread, or crushed crackers
0.5 kilos chicken breast, as a cutlet
125 grams sour cream
29.4 gramos low-fat mayonnaise
1 pinch ground black pepper
2.5 mililitros mustard
0 salt, to taste
0 ground garlic, to taste
1 package ground bread, or crushed crackers
Nutritional information
* Information per 100g serving, percentage of daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
At the moment, this recipe does not have nutritional information.
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You can also use the dressing to bread beef or pork cutlets, as a dressing for salads, and for snacks. It's delicious; try it, and you'll love it.