Give a twist to the way you prepare chicken! This Guajillo Roasted Chicken will be the sensation of any gathering and the recipe will also work if you are following a diet, specifically a keto diet.
Cook this juicy butterflied Guajillo Roasted Chicken brushed with guajillo chili butter and roasted garlic, it will have a delicious flavor! And believe it or not, this keto recipe has the necessary amount of calories, as a serving of this Guajillo Roasted Chicken has only 408 calories.
To know that the chicken is ready, the internal temperature should be 74°C.
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Claudia Anaya Rodriguez
2020-04-20 21:30:31 +0000 +0000
Hola Buenas noches, para que no quede seco se deja marinar un día antes con jugo de una naranja y una cucharadita de vinagre. En el asador debe saber más rico.