These Christmas Tree Cookies are perfect for gifting this season. Enjoy these traditional decorated butter cookies. The ingredients for this recipe are very easy to find, and you only need 10 basic ingredients.
For the tree shape of the Tree Cookies, you can mark it with a knife, although we recommend using a Christmas Tree mold.
Serve the cookies and accompany with milk and coffee.
Try not to overbeat the butter; you only need to incorporate the sugar.
Remember that before baking the cookies, it is very important to freeze them, so they won't lose their shape in the oven and won't spread too much.
To make the Christmas sprinkles stick, ensure that the white chocolate is not too hot; you can lightly refrigerate it so it firms up slightly and adhere it to the cookie.
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Ana Fram
2021-12-07 19:24:56 +0000 +0000
Tengo una duda , en la receta escrita dice 3/4 tazas de azúcar glass y en el video dice 1 3/4 de taza . Mmmm cual es la correcta ?
Fabiola Teos
2020-12-11 15:47:31 +0000 +0000
Es muy fácil y rápido y es delicioso
Mariana Esparza Quiroz
2018-12-14 13:59:27 +0000 +0000
a cuanots gramos equivale la taza y media de mantequilla? gracias