Pickling is a food preservation procedure, mainly applied to vegetables and fruits, which consists of immersing them in a solution of salt or vinegar and aromatic herbs. The acidity of this mixture inhibits the development of decomposing microorganisms and gives it a different flavor. In Mexico, this is also known as escabeche. Learn to prepare pickles at home and to use this effective preservation method.
Use the pickled vegetables to accompany salads, fried chicken, fish, or as a snack.
Use white wine vinegar for the pickles, as the acidity of the wine helps make the preservation more effective and the flavors it provides will make a big difference.
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Doña Mary
2021-11-12 06:50:03 +0000 +0000
Excelente 👌muy bien 👍megusta mucho
Rudy Garcia
2021-03-25 17:14:59 +0000 +0000
Gracias por las recetas que publican
Alicia Miranda Roman
2021-03-17 06:52:07 +0000 +0000
Me encanto saber como esterilizar los frascos yo pensaba que con lavarlos era suficiente Gracias