Discover how to prepare this sweet and sour shrimp stuffed pineapple; besides being a delicious dish, it has the advantage of being easy to make and low in calories, as it is prepared with sugar substitute.
A tropical dish full of flavor, low in carbohydrates, perfect to impress your guests. This sweet and sour shrimp stuffed pineapple has a simple preparation and a presentation that looks great on the table; it is undoubtedly the perfect recipe to take care of yourself while still enjoying.
Serve the shrimp in the hollowed pineapple, garnish with avocado, and serve with baked nopal tostadas.
The sweet and sour sauce alone can last up to 2 months in the refrigerator.
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Edgar Delgado
2019-03-15 21:51:52 +0000 +0000
Tengo un par de dudas. La primera es sobre el camarón. ¿Se echan crudos o ya cocidos? Y la segunda: En los ingredientes dice: cebolla cambray finamente picado y en el video dice tallos de cebolla. ¿En realidad que se usa?