6 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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500 grams beefsteak, in medium strips
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon garlic powder
salt, for seasoning
pepper, for seasoning
2 tablespoons avocado oil
1 cup onion, in strips
2 cups Poblano chile strips, clean
1/2 cups corn kernel, yellow, canned, drained
1 cup Bionda® cottage cheese
1 cup spinach, only leaves, for the tortillas
3/4 cups water, for the tortillas
2 cups masa harina, to make tortillas
Bionda® cottage cheese, for accompaniment
pico de gallo, for accompaniment
1.1 libras beefsteak, in medium strips
1.01 onzas líquidas Worcestershire sauce
0.12 onzas garlic powder
0 salt, for seasoning
0 pepper, for seasoning
1.01 onzas líquidas avocado oil
8.38 onzas onion, in strips
1.1 libras Poblano chile strips, clean
3.09 onzas corn kernel, yellow, canned, drained
8.2 onzas Bionda® cottage cheese
1.15 onzas spinach, only leaves, for the tortillas
6.33 onzas líquidas water, for the tortillas
8.64 onzas masa harina, to make tortillas
0 Bionda® cottage cheese, for accompaniment
0 pico de gallo, for accompaniment
1.92 tazas beefsteak, in medium strips
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon garlic powder
0 salt, for seasoning
0 pepper, for seasoning
2 tablespoons avocado oil
1 cup onion, in strips
2 cups Poblano chile strips, clean
0.5 cups corn kernel, yellow, canned, drained
1 cup Bionda® cottage cheese
1 cup spinach, only leaves, for the tortillas
0.75 cups water, for the tortillas
2 cups masa harina, to make tortillas
0 Bionda® cottage cheese, for accompaniment
0 pico de gallo, for accompaniment
500 grams beefsteak, in medium strips
3 centilitros Worcestershire sauce
3.3 gramos garlic powder
0 salt, for seasoning
0 pepper, for seasoning
3 centilitros avocado oil
237.5 gramos onion, in strips
500 gramos Poblano chile strips, clean
87.5 gramos corn kernel, yellow, canned, drained
232.5 gramos Bionda® cottage cheese
32.5 gramos spinach, only leaves, for the tortillas
18.75 centilitros water, for the tortillas
245 gramos masa harina, to make tortillas
0 Bionda® cottage cheese, for accompaniment
0 pico de gallo, for accompaniment