Authentic chiles en nogada are a characteristic dish of Mexican cuisine. There is a legend that says this dish was created by Augustinian nuns in a convent in Puebla to celebrate the signing of Independence with the Treaties of Córdoba. A delicate dish, full of flavor and with the elegance that such an event required.
Authentic chiles en nogada are filled with sweet picadillo, battered, and covered in a creamy nogada sauce, garnished with red pomegranate seeds and finely chopped parsley. Undoubtedly, an emblematic dish with the colors that represent Mexico and that cannot be missed on your table during these patriotic celebrations. So don’t wait any longer and cook authentic chiles en nogada.
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Gabriela del Carmen Téllez Hernández
2022-09-14 20:23:32.372042 +0000 +0000
Es la primera vez, que leo que la fruta de este relleno está completa. A la nogada le faltó una copita de jerez, y almendra, para darle un mejor sabor y buena consistencia
Liliana Mendoza
2022-08-17 11:47:54.310747 +0000 +0000
Excelente receta
Miriam Vargas
2022-08-12 10:06:08.878101 +0000 +0000
10 para esta receta, muchas gracias por compartir
Pablo Cardeña
2021-09-10 19:10:01.369401 +0000 +0000
Muy clara la receta.
Rosa María Duarte Anaya
2021-08-26 10:02:29.512262 +0000 +0000
Se ven ricos!!! Gracias por la receta, lo mejor es que los ingredientes son fácil de encontrar
Arcelia Mijares Estrada
2021-07-15 17:03:45 +0000 +0000
Se ven ricos
Eduardo Ojeda
2020-10-08 12:31:07 +0000 +0000
a no ya vi jajaaja
Leopoldo Rangel
2019-08-22 07:32:58 +0000 +0000
Se ve delicioso.
Adriana Aracely Sandez Cazares
2019-08-20 19:59:01 +0000 +0000
Excelente y todos los ingredientes se consiguen, me encanta todas las recetas, gracias por compartir! Mis saludos!