6 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
Select all ingredients
2 cups hominy corn, precooked
5 cups water
1/4 cups onion
1/2 garlic heads
1/2 chicken breasts, skinless
lettuce, in thin strips
radish, sliced
onion, finely chopped
ground oregano
lime, to serve
tostadas, to serve
sour cream, to serve
12.35 onzas hominy corn, precooked
42.23 onzas líquidas water
2.09 onzas onion
0.5 garlic heads
0 salt
0.5 chicken breasts, skinless
0 lettuce, in thin strips
0 radish, sliced
0 onion, finely chopped
0 ground oregano
0 lime, to serve
0 tostadas, to serve
0 sour cream, to serve
2 cups hominy corn, precooked
5 cups water
0.25 cups onion
0.5 garlic heads
0 salt
0.5 chicken breasts, skinless
0 lettuce, in thin strips
0 radish, sliced
0 onion, finely chopped
0 ground oregano
0 lime, to serve
0 tostadas, to serve
0 sour cream, to serve
350 gramos hominy corn, precooked
1.25 litros water
59.38 gramos onion
0.5 garlic heads
0 salt
0.5 chicken breasts, skinless
0 lettuce, in thin strips
0 radish, sliced
0 onion, finely chopped
0 ground oregano
0 lime, to serve
0 tostadas, to serve
0 sour cream, to serve
Serve the white pozole and accompany it with lettuce, onion, radish, oregano, and lime.