6 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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800 grams Proan® cheek guard
water, to cook the meat
salt, to cook the meat
1/2 onions, to cook the meat
1/2 garlic heads, to cook the meat
1 tablespoon lard
1/2 cups onion, in quarters
2 cloves garlic
2 pumpkins, in quarters
2 cups tomatillo, in quarters
1 cup Poblano chile, in thin strips, without seeds
3 serrano chiles, in thin strips, without seeds
1/2 cups pumpkin seeds, roasted
1 teaspoon ground cumin
4 cups pork broth
1 cup cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lard
1 1/2 cups chilacayote, without skin and sliced
1.76 libras Proan® cheek guard
0 water, to cook the meat
0 salt, to cook the meat
0.5 onions, to cook the meat
0.5 garlic heads, to cook the meat
0.46 onzas lard
4.19 onzas onion, in quarters
2 cloves garlic
2 pumpkins, in quarters
13.4 onzas tomatillo, in quarters
5.56 onzas Poblano chile, in thin strips, without seeds
3 serrano chiles, in thin strips, without seeds
2.43 onzas pumpkin seeds, roasted
0.1 onzas ground cumin
0 salt
0 pepper
6.61 libras pork broth
0.62 onzas cilantro leaves
0.92 onzas lard
6.48 onzas chilacayote, without skin and sliced
2.86 tazas Proan® cheek guard
0 water, to cook the meat
0 salt, to cook the meat
0.5 onions, to cook the meat
0.5 garlic heads, to cook the meat
1 tablespoon lard
0.5 cups onion, in quarters
2 cloves garlic
2 pumpkins, in quarters
2 cups tomatillo, in quarters
1 cup Poblano chile, in thin strips, without seeds
3 serrano chiles, in thin strips, without seeds
0.5 cups pumpkin seeds, roasted
1 teaspoon ground cumin
0 salt
0 pepper
4 cups pork broth
1 cup cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lard
1.5 cups chilacayote, without skin and sliced
800 grams Proan® cheek guard
0 water, to cook the meat
0 salt, to cook the meat
0.5 onions, to cook the meat
0.5 garlic heads, to cook the meat
13.05 gramos lard
118.75 gramos onion, in quarters
2 cloves garlic
2 pumpkins, in quarters
380 gramos tomatillo, in quarters
157.5 gramos Poblano chile, in thin strips, without seeds
3 serrano chiles, in thin strips, without seeds
68.75 gramos pumpkin seeds, roasted
2.85 gramos ground cumin
0 salt
0 pepper
3 kilos pork broth
17.5 gramos cilantro leaves
26.1 gramos lard
183.75 gramos chilacayote, without skin and sliced