If you are looking for easy and practical recipes, this Pasta with Chicken in Guajillo Sauce is a great option, as everything can be cooked in the same skillet.
Guajillo chile is a very commonly used dried chile in Mexican cuisine to add color and flavor to sauces, marinades, moles, and other stews, making it the best option for this pasta recipe.
Serve on a plate and garnish with fried guajillo chile rings, Cotija cheese, and chopped parsley.
It is important that the sauce is quite liquid so that you can cook the pasta with it. If you see that the sauce is not enough for cooking the pasta, you can add a bit more chicken broth.
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Lucero Viveros Cruz
2022-02-23 02:15:52 +0000 +0000
La pasta se cose con la salsa??? O se precose así aparte???
Gracias 😊
Marisol González Gallo
2021-07-28 16:37:37.69218 +0000 +0000
Muy rica y fácil de hacer!!! la pasta coge muchísimo sabor.
Liz Val
2021-07-23 13:50:59 +0000 +0000
Yo la hice quedo buena, pero les aconsejó que le pongan menos tomillo una pisca diría yoo