If you finally have time to cook at home, this seafood lasagna has an easy-to-follow recipe, and its step-by-step instructions include how to make the characteristic white sauce. This lasagna is a perfect combination of pasta and seafood, and Lent is the ideal excuse to make it. You will love its creamy flavor. Cook it with company and dare to try it.
Serve accompanied by sliced baguette and a refreshing drink.
You can grease the mold with butter before placing the pasta sheets, this will ensure that it does not stick to the mold.
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Raquel Quintero
2020-04-20 09:22:45 +0000 +0000
Después del primer paso, para que la salsa sepa más a marisco y no tanto a leche, poner a hervir la salsa con las cascaras y las cabezas de las gambas durante 30 o 45 min. Pasado este tiempo, utilizar un colador fino para dejar la salsa sin las cascaras y continuar con el segundo paso.
Después del paso dos si ves que la salsa esta muy líquida, añadir 1 cucharada sopera de maicena para espesar, dejar que hierva para que se disuelva bien y no queden grumos.