This recipe for spaghetti with creamy mushroom and cheese sauce works perfectly for both weekday meals and special celebrations. Its flavor and texture will pair well with dishes featuring chicken, for example, and if desired, you can add white wine to the preparation, which will enhance the dish's flavor and make it ideal for special dinners with family or friends.
Serve in a deep plate, garnish with dried oregano and white bread to taste.
If desired, you can add white wine to the preparation, which will enhance the dish's flavor and make it ideal for special dinners with family or friends.
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Beca Daza
2022-08-03 20:28:30.058124 +0000 +0000
Se ve muy rica la voy a hacer
jazmin vidal lopez
2022-06-19 16:12:39.092624 +0000 +0000
Me encantó nadamas hice unos cambios como poner queso manchego y otras cositas y quedó delicioso
2021-12-22 16:07:44.098056 +0000 +0000
Super fácil, muchas gracias por ésta receta, la voy a realizar como acompañante para mi plato principal. saludos