Spaghetti is the most popular pasta worldwide, so today we will teach you how to prepare it in cream with this delicious and easy recipe. Don't hesitate to share this white cream spaghetti with your family or friends!
Serve white cream spaghetti and garnish with chopped parsley.
When you drain your pasta, it is important not to rinse it, as you will remove the starch, which helps make the sauce thicker. Also, during cooking, do not add any spices; it is not necessary, as pasta does not absorb their flavor.
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Tania G
2022-11-20 15:47:51.325056 +0000 +0000
Deliciosa 😋
Yess García
2022-09-10 20:16:14.171847 +0000 +0000
La acabo de preparar y me encantó el sabor, consistencia, cremosidad, todo. La acompañaré con pollo a la plancha en cubitos. Gracias 😊