Recipes with zucchini can be a great option for any day of the week. Prepare this Mexican Zucchini Gratin recipe that will surely make you lick your fingers
When cooking this zucchini recipe, make sure not to overcook the vegetables, as they lose their crunchy texture and even some nutrients. Without a doubt, this will be one of the tastiest side dishes you can serve.
Serve on a plate accompanied by white rice, garnished with epazote and served with cream.
Do not overcook the vegetables too much so they don't lose nutrients and remain crunchy.
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Gabrielle VL
2019-09-03 13:41:57 +0000 +0000
Quedan deliciosas!! A mis hijos pequeños les encantaron, felicitaciones, es una receta riquísima. Un poco elaborada pero vale la pena, no les puse nada de sal ni pimienta, aún así quedaron deliciosas, con la sal del panela y del queso, las especias de la salsa de tomate, se sazono bien. Yo en vez de salsa de tomate normal,usé salsa de tomate para pasta boloñesa marca Hunts.