8 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1 chicken breast, for the broth
3 liters water, for the broth
1/4 onions, for the broth
2 cloves garlic, for the broth
1/4 bunches fresh cilantro, for the broth
1 tablespoon salt, for the broth
2 tablespoons lard, for broth and frying
3 tomatoes, peeled and seeded, cut into small cubes
1/2 onions, cut into small cubes
2 güero chiles, or Xcat-ic, cut into medium cubes
1 pinch cumin, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 clove, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 teaspoon oregano, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 pinch salt
1 cup lime, Yucatecan, cut into slices
1 cup tortillas, fried, cut into thin strips
1 chicken breast, for the broth
101.35 onzas líquidas water, for the broth
0.25 onions, for the broth
2 cloves garlic, for the broth
0.25 bunches fresh cilantro, for the broth
0.65 onzas salt, for the broth
0.92 onzas lard, for broth and frying
3 tomatoes, peeled and seeded, cut into small cubes
0.5 onions, cut into small cubes
2 güero chiles, or Xcat-ic, cut into medium cubes
1 pinch cumin, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 clove, toasted on the griddle and ground
0.04 onzas oregano, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 pinch salt
8.99 onzas lime, Yucatecan, cut into slices
4.5 onzas tortillas, fried, cut into thin strips
1 chicken breast, for the broth
12 tazas water, for the broth
0.25 onions, for the broth
2 cloves garlic, for the broth
0.25 bunches fresh cilantro, for the broth
1 tablespoon salt, for the broth
2 tablespoons lard, for broth and frying
3 tomatoes, peeled and seeded, cut into small cubes
0.5 onions, cut into small cubes
2 güero chiles, or Xcat-ic, cut into medium cubes
1 pinch cumin, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 clove, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 teaspoon oregano, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 pinch salt
1 cup lime, Yucatecan, cut into slices
1 cup tortillas, fried, cut into thin strips
1 chicken breast, for the broth
3 liters water, for the broth
0.25 onions, for the broth
2 cloves garlic, for the broth
0.25 bunches fresh cilantro, for the broth
18.45 gramos salt, for the broth
26.1 gramos lard, for broth and frying
3 tomatoes, peeled and seeded, cut into small cubes
0.5 onions, cut into small cubes
2 güero chiles, or Xcat-ic, cut into medium cubes
1 pinch cumin, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 clove, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 gramo oregano, toasted on the griddle and ground
1 pinch salt
255 gramos lime, Yucatecan, cut into slices
127.5 gramos tortillas, fried, cut into thin strips