There is nothing more basic in Mexican cuisine than making fried tacos. This great dish has countless different presentations, as well as sauces to accompany them; they are practical, delicious, and very easy to make. The most common usually are fried chicken tacos or potato tacos, but there are many other ways to fill these tacos, for example, with ricotta, carrots, or even turkey.
Since they simply consist of a rolled corn tortilla with a filling of your choice, this makes fried tacos an economical and generous meal par excellence. Fried tacos are also eaten in Central America, where it is common for them to be filled with beef.
On the other hand, in Mexico, they have a variant with a longer tortilla, known as flautas. So as you can see, fried tacos are very popular, and so you don't stick to just one recipe, discover 13 ways to prepare them, beyond knowing how to make fried potato tacos.
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